Expected value of the number of trials until it occurs with probability p
An expected value of the number of trials with probability p is calculated. It's not so hard to see why but for my understanding I tried to calculate it.
Daily simulations for you
An expected value of the number of trials with probability p is calculated. It's not so hard to see why but for my understanding I tried to calculate it.
This time I introduced the simple way to remember the rotation matrix. Where is the minus sign? Which comes first, sin or cos? You can easily calculate the matrix if you read this.
This time I introduce Floyd-Warshall algorithm that finds the minimum distance between all vertex pairs with O(V^3) complexity. Read this!
今回は確率pで起こる事象が実際に起きるまでの試行回数の期待値についてまとめてみました! 1回から無限回まで試行回数があるのにどうやって考えたらいいんだろうと思ってたんですが、意外と簡単でした! 参考にしてみてください!